1. opery
Topical term | opery |
See also | hry se zpěvy |
| hudební divadlo |
| opera |
| operety |
| oratoria |
| singspiely |
| dětské opery |
| operní předehry |
| operní směsi |
| operní suity |
| operní výňatky |
| operní árie |
| zarzuely |
Collection kind | File of subject terms |
References | (13) - File of subject terms |
| (86) - Digitalizované dokumenty |
| (4) - Audiovisual and electronic resources |
| (9) - Literature |
| (6) - Literature for children and youth |
| (71) - Printed music |
| (240) - Monographies, maps |
| (402) - Audiorecords |
| (44) - ARTICLES |
| (1) - Regional documents - books |